Tonight's FamBiz and Teen Groov's friends and family night over at Jayvee Dance Center!
We've all been working our butt's off getting ready for Urban Street Jam. Teen Groov has been practicing extra hours over at the studio during school nights and FamBiz has been staying up crazy hours practicing.
We hope to share it with everyone tonight as FamBiz debuts their set, "Hero" and Teen Groov debuts their set, "ERA."
A lot of the Teen Groov parents and FamBiz Alum are confirmed to come, so I'm looking forward to seeing everyone there!
After performing we'll be heading straight to a brief practice. Tonight's a very important night for us prior to Urban. Once tonight's gone the countdown begins til we go on that stage. And I'm not one to get excited for events until the day of. But after typing this and really thinking about it, I'm pretty damn excited.
I'll see everyone there tonight and at Urban Street Jam.